03 Apr

Have you ever met those people who can’t say enough good things about a product or service that they use? Those are the folks who will go on for ages about how you need to upgrade to a MacBook, or about how Starbucks is the best coffee on the planet despite the hefty cost per cup.

These folks aren’t paid spokespersons for companies. They’re something far more valuable- brand ambassadors who are fiercely loyal to certain companies and want to tell everyone in the world how amazing these brands are. They are the single most valuable asset when it comes to building your company and solidifying your brand, but they are not easy to come by.

We live in an age where consumers have dozens of different options when it comes to choosing which product and service they want to use. Let’s take coffee for example. There are Starbucks devotees who will travel a mile out of their way to get their preferred cup of Joe despite the fact that there are plenty of Dunkin’ Donuts on the way. If you want your company to shine and turn your customers into brand ambassadors that will spread the word about you to all of their friends and family, take these five simple steps!

Use An Outsourcing Company That Is A Partner- Not A Vendor

 When it comes to outsourcing important parts of your business, like customer service represenation, look for a reputable company that is a partner- not a vendor. You need a company that will have your back no matter what, and will be able to scale at the pace of your company. Nothing builds brand ambassadors quite like a stellar customer service department that is ready to engage with them quickly, effectively and with total professionalism!

At (v)WeCare we pride ourselves on building lasting partnerships and helping companies grow. Our dedicated reps are fully trained and empowered to show your customers the white-glove treatment that they deserve. Without a doubt, that will have them raving about how great you are!

 Make Sure That Your Call Center Reps Are Superstars

 Call center reps that aren’t invested in the company are simply not going to put their best foot forward when it comes to customer interactions. Perhaps they are simply not versed in all of your product offerings, or empowered to make decisions. Maybe they don’t know that long hold times and multiple transfers to different departments will inevitably lead to annoyed customers and bad reviews. Whatever the case, your call center reps need to be totally on point and ready and able to serve.

Our reps at (v)WeCare are trained to be empathetic, prompt and to quickly address and solve customer issues. In addition, our project managers are trained on multiple fronts and given enough flexibility to handle escalations with ease. We are proud of our team of superstars!

 Engage Them On All Fronts

 The days of traditional customer service are over! Customers are used to getting instant gratification and immediate solutions to their problems, which is why you need to be engaging them on all fronts. Utilize all of the tools at your disposal, like live chat and social media, to keep your customers in the loop and happy. They’ll see you as a company on the cutting edge, and be impressed by the fact that you’re willing to cater to their needs when so many others don’t!

Vcare  embraces all new ways of communicating with customers. We pride ourselves on being a technologically saavy company and give our reps plenty of different ways to communicate with customers, through social media engagement, live chat and messenger. Our customers know that if they have a problem (v)WeCare reps will solve it with lightning speed!

 Keep Their Information Secure

 It seems like every other day we are hearing about a scary data breach where tons of personal information is being shared! Your customers read the same news that you do, and they are very wary of becoming the next victim of a data dump. Put security at a premium and you’ll have customers raving about your company!

24/7 security and restricted admin rights are two of the ways that (v)WeCare keeps company and customer data totally confidential. We also monitor our reps’ web usage and block certain websites. Our customers know that they can sleep easy at night!

 Show Them That You Care By Following Up

 Finally, you need to follow up with your customers. Too often customer service reps make the mistake of thinking that the circle is closed when they hang up the phone. Going above and beyond by checking in with your customers to make sure that they’re satisfied will win you tons of customer loyalty. Not many businesses do this, so become the exception!

(v)WeCare reps know the importance of addressing every customer issue as comprehensively as possible. Our company culture relies on ongoing training, call monitoring and an emphasis on empathy so our reps are deeply invested in making sure that the customer is 100% satisfied.

Can you become the next Starbucks or Apple? Absolutely! Take these steps and create some brand ambassadors today.

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